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STM32H723 BOOT0 and RESET control over UART!

Associate II

Hi All,

 I managed to be able to bootload the STM32H723 device using the STM32 Flash Loader (STBootLib) but do not like how I have to pull BOOT0 high and also reset the device right before I program the device and then when the boatloading is done reset the device again. Is there a way to control the BOOT0 pin and reset the device through the serial RX/TX lines of the USART? All I have available are RX/TX lines. I do not have control signals like RTS, DTR, etc available. Do you have any clever ideas to control BOOT0 and RESET through the serial link?


Eric Norton


Set up your program to jump to the bootloader upon request from a specific UART signal.

Use the bootloader JUMP command to start your program without resetting.

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 Okay, how do I jump to the bootloader from my application? In my design, there will be an "application" UART and a "programming/bootload" UART.  Do you know of working code examples for the STM32H723 device that you can share that jumps to the bootloader? When the bootload is done, is there an example available to do the jump to application? Any information you can share would be great 😀.


Eric Norton


Jump to bootloader:

Jump to application will depend on your software. The CLI for STM32CubeProgrammer should be able to. Or you can connect and disconnect to cause it to reset.

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