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STM32G473 will not work at 170MHz but works fine at 150MHz

Associate III

I have a very odd problem. I am using the STM32G473 and have configured the clock to 170MHz. When the code runs it drops to default_handler every time after setting up the clock. Not unusual if there is no ISR or call back set up. However if i set the clock to 150MHz it works perfectly. To run at 170MHz the R1MODE needs to be cleared in the PWR register i have done this. Is there another register that needs to be set up to operate at the full 170MHz.


Try 130 MHz. If same as 170, probably a sw bug where there are some #define for the core frequency....

Isn't there simply a software bug, as S.Ma said above? Try to debug the hardfault as usually, i.e. looking at the stacked PC and walking back in that code.


Associate III

Hi JW that is a great idea, i had not thought of doing that. Will try and post back after i try it.