2022-05-09 11:34 PM
ST has confirmed that STM32G070 uses same silicon as STM32G081, thus we're considering use it as the alternative to STM32G081 due to availability problems.
STM32G070 lacks BOR feature and CEC hw block acc. to datasheet but we have proven by trial that both features are available and functional on STM32G070.
Is there any potential risk running the same software with G070 and G081, note that target application is using BOR feature, CEC hw block isn't used at all.
2022-05-10 1:50 AM
Although I do not know your application, seeing STM32G081 device in the list, I guess you use crypto AES unit - otherwise, make no sense to me why G081 is used instead of G071. If I'm right, you would miss this feature for sure.
For the rest of IP's missing in the G070 specification, even if related features are present on the silicon, they are not tested, thus neither functionality, neither electrical specs or calibrations are performed and/or guaranteed. The same for electrical parameters, which are less strict on the G070 specification and STM32G070 devices are tested accordingly to datasheet specifications for given device.
2022-05-10 2:15 AM
AES unit isn't being used, CEC block is main reason for choosing STM32G081. In the meantime, we've replaced it by software CEC solution so no reason to keep using G081.
Apart of that thanks for confirmation, we cannot rely on G070 untested BOR feature which may violate G081 spec.
2022-05-10 2:28 AM
well, there might be for sure some misunderstanding on my side, but CEC (or HDMI-CEC) is present on both STM32G071 and STM32G081?
See Figure 1 or Table 2 in related datasheets.
Of course, not offered in the STM32G070 DS.
2022-05-10 3:08 AM
we were lucky to get reel of G070 these days