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STM32G030 debug in low power sleep mode

Associate II


I've a project with the STM32G030F6 which the application use in 90% of time the low power sleep mode. In the reference manual page 95 is written that can debug:


But in the register DBGMCU_CR dosn't exists a flag for the low power sleep mode. Only for stop and standby mode exists flags.

With the STM32CubeIDE in the variable view is the variable im RAM not readable, here comes a error message. In the life watch can't also not read the variables but here comes no errors.

I will read/write into RAM and SFR's and read from FLASH in the low power sleep mode. What mus I configure that works correct. I have read and use the "Tips for using STM32 low-power modes" but it dosn't solve my problem.

Thanks for Our Help, Bernd