2016-11-20 5:50 AM
I'am trying to get the audio from WM8994 line input.The BSP driver seems rather incomplete, it works with the 4 mems mics but not with the line input from the codec.Is there somewhere any source code example for that ? anyone facing the same problem ?I can share some code that tries to do playback from line in to headphone out if someone interested.RegardsFrancois #stm32f769i-disco-audio-wm89942017-04-04 6:36 PM
when you say 'noisy' do you mean line noise? like static or something?
2017-05-27 7:21 AM
It actually sounds nice if you back off on the input signal strength. it is after all, line level in not speaker in.
2017-05-28 2:33 PM
Thank you
2018-03-25 12:36 AM
thanks a lot for posting this code john. did you run into issues with noise on the codec's line in? I get enough noise to make the board unusable for audio processing with the code you posted, and with ST's audio loopback demo (which may be new.) I tried powering the board from an external linear Psu as well. gonna have a look at the hefty datasheet of the WM8994 to see if I can reduce the noise by changing some analog path settings or something.
2019-02-12 8:49 AM
I had a similar problem on my STM32F723E-disco board. Noise level on line-in input was unacceptable. Problem lied in wrong connection between PC and board. Supplying power from phone charger solved this issue. More can be found here: https://forum.cockos.com/showthread.php?t=113721
2020-01-30 8:28 PM
its very great example... thank.. but i want 8K audio frequency & it not working... it working just >= 16K audio frequency... can u tell me why? because i want slow speed DSP audio
2020-12-05 3:58 AM
I am also facing same problem to get analog audio signal from line in jack at stm32f769i discovery board.
If you have this code,Please share whole working zipped project file.