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STM32 H743/H753 with pmod I2S2 Stereo Audio


TL;DR – Does anyone know how get the STM H7 series boards to do what Phil showed how do to in [#5] IIR Filters - Audio DSP On STM32 with I2S (24 Bit / 96 kHz) for the STM32 F4 series?  The H7 appears to be lots faster, and its floating point unit does double precision. Been learning a lot (trying out the I2S and SAI on the board), but not getting there.  Given the 80,000 views of Phil’s videos and all the references, seems like others would be interested too. Would like to be able to configure other aspects of the project using the STM32CUBEIDE GUI (i.e have it work as an .ioc project), but don’t care if the audio interface not use the GUI (i.e. HAL or LL). But that’s beyond my present skill level.

(And yes, seen and been studying other posts where people are working with audio on the H7).

Additional Background.

Many of you know about Phil of YetAnotherElectronicsChannel's video "Realtime Audio DSP on STM32" ( ) which shows how to use the STM32CubeIDE GUI to configure an STM32 F4 series board to read the ADC channels and send the data back to the DAC with some filtering.

Learned a lot from the video, and have been using it as the basis of doing some communications DSP labs found on line. Based on great advice from the community here, have done a number of things, including the following:

  • Demonstrated good 2 way comms using the SAI interface by connection SDO into SDI.
  • Made the output look (to my eye on an inexpensive logic analyzer anyway) look like the F4 output to the pmod I2S
  • Been reading the Reference Manual
  • Learned about the DMA issue (haven’t got it to work with DCache enabled yet, but have seen and tried the examples).

This is a long term hobby, so am enjoying the STM32 H7 learning process, while continuing to use the F4 to do the DSP communications labs.

So the request: Does anyone have this working who might be willing to share screen shots of how they got it configured, or even better a skeleton .ioc and main.c that shows how to make this work?

Thank you all.