2016-11-24 9:48 PM
I am trying to use CAN1 and CAN2 on custom board based on STM32F746IGT6 controller. Can1 is work perfect, but using of Can2 i can't neither receive nor even transmit messages. For both Can i use SN65HVD234 bus transceivers, use the same settings. For can2 PB6 and PB5 pins is used with no pullup/pulldown. Can2 works in Silent Loopback mode, I tried to set up filters (14,15,16), and it works in this mode. When i I am trying to send messages in normal mode, I get Bit dominant Error. What can be wrong? On my board i use USB, but with USB init or without can2 doesn't work.2016-11-25 5:31 AM
I had a problem using both CANs on an STM32F429, which sounds similar. It turned out that the slave CAN (CAN2 )would not work at all unless the master CAN (CAN1) was enabled, so that the two instances of my driver were not truly independent. It was a while ago, but there may even have been an order dependency on the initialisation of CAN1 and CAN2. Could it be something like that?
If the CAN1 implementation works, can you jigger the pins and whatnot to try the same implementation on CAN2?