2016-03-18 5:41 AM
Did you try anyone the STM32F746G Discovery with FATFS uSD application ?
I'm interested in
experiences with
SD card
Petr2016-03-21 6:11 AM
Hi Petr,
I recommend you to have a look to FatFs applications under the STM32F7 cube firmware package:STM32Cube_FW_F7_V1.3.0\Projects\STM32746G-Discovery\Applications\FatFs-Syrine-2016-03-21 8:51 AM
Hi Syrine,
today I received your STM32F746G Discovery board. Your FatFs_uSD exampleis functional with all my
uSD cards.
I generated
the same test
using STM32CubeMX and yet to medoes not work.
We discuss this problem already here
at the
end of the discussion
.I would be
glad if you
could try to generate FatFs_uSD example using STM32CubeMX and share itwith me
.We want to
use the STM32F746 for data logger for the automotive industry, but so far wecould not have run
the SD card using STM32CubeMX. Petr