2016-12-08 4:50 PM
It looks like LCD_BL_CTRL is not connected to a PWM output-capable pin (PK3)? Am I missing something?
2016-12-09 12:32 AM
,Following the schematic in the
LCD_BL_CTRL is connected to PK3.
Could you please check this from your side andclarify more your feedback?
Best Regards
2016-12-09 4:28 AM
Yes, I mentioned that pin in my post. However, it doesn't appear to be PWM capable, so it can only control on/off.
2016-12-09 1:37 PM
It appears you are right. The pin is not connected to Timer... Maybe it would be possible to connect the PK3/LCD_BL_CTRL to a timer output on the board using a jumper wire or so.
Have a nice day,
PS: Maybe you can use DMA to transfer data to the GPIO output and create your own PWM out of it triggered by some timer or so if you prefer SW solution.