2016-09-30 11:57 PM
I am working on connecting a ESP8266-01 WiFi chip to the STM32F769NI-DISCO board. I have enabled UART5 in STM32CUBE and put EXT_SCL, EXT_RST and EXT_SDA into high impedance mode by putting them as inputs with NOPULL (as per the user manual: page 20). Once I connect the boards, I get a Fault Power error with LED LD7 blinking. I have root caused this to Pin 6 (CH_PD/EXT_RST). The Fault Power does not show if that wire is not connected.
#stm32f7 #esp8266 #fault2016-10-03 2:45 AM
Hi nic17,
The issue that you are facing is not clear ? try to reformulate as a description(general +SW+HW) + questions. You can add a code /figure /scematic to clarify your case.-Hannibal-2016-10-03 7:39 PM
Hi Hannibal,
I am working on connecting a ESP8266 WiFi Module to my STM32F769I-Disco board. The board has an LED LD7 for when ''Current upper than 625 mA'' (in addition to the OverCurrent LED). When I connect the WiFi module to the board, the LD7 flashes. I have a serial to FTDI board that I have used to validate that the ESP8266 board works properly. I have also tested just powering the board from the STM32F7 board, without the TX/RX pins, and I still see the LD7 Flashing. Per the manual, I have put three of the pins (EXT_RST, EXT_SDA and EXT_SCL) into high impedance mode but the LED continues to flash. I have root caused the LED issue to the following pin. If I connect this pin to the ESP8266 module, the LED flashes. I put the pins into high impedance mode with the following code:/*Configure GPIO pin : PtPin */
GPIO_InitStruct.Pin = EXT_RST_Pin;
GPIO_InitStruct.Pull = GPIO_NOPULL;
HAL_GPIO_Init(EXT_RST_GPIO_Port, &GPIO_InitStruct);
I have attached the Manual pages that discuss the connection. Thanks, Nicolas
Attachments : Wifi_pages.pdf : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006I0Un&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000bcg%2FBwRsscpOKGpXa7q4jszvPuE0wMA60eVu.Si6pIJuJR8&asPdf=false
2017-02-21 5:58 PM
Wifi modules need between 200 and 500mA to operate. Bluetooth about 27 mA.
2017-02-21 6:26 PM
While there's nothing I can find in the code to suggest it, it does sure seem like its an activity indicator as well as an overcurrent indicator. I don't get any faults and the demo in the cube repository works, but i get the flickering LD7.
This is with an ESP-01 in the socket of an STM32F769I-Discovery