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STM32F7 online course

Associate II
Posted on November 04, 2016 at 06:30


Has anyone tried to register to this online course?

I am not receiving any confirmation emails, so I can't go any further!!

Or maybe I am mssing something!


Posted on November 04, 2016 at 16:38

Worked fine with my forum account and gmail address

Check it is not spam blocking, or based on country account is in.

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Associate II
Posted on November 04, 2016 at 18:55


I have tried my hotmail account (the same one I use to log in for the forum) and I created another account using my google account! I am still waiting for the email providing me with access to the material!!

There is nothing in my email spam!

Worked fine with my forum account and gmail address

Check it is not spam blocking, or based on country account is in.

Associate II
Posted on November 07, 2016 at 20:03

Is there any online contacts, or I have to create support ticket?

Lead III
Posted on February 15, 2017 at 17:50

I started the registration process at

 but (cynic that I am) I tried to read the Terms of Use. Unfortunately the link provided led back to the same page - so there's not way I could tick the box saying that I had read (let alone accepted) the terms of use.

So I then did a search on the ST website which led to

 and a link for MOOC led to

 which did have a working Terms of use link


Reading through I got as far as section 6 claiming 'Customer will pay Udemy the fees for the services and ativities under this Agreement'. As I could not find out how much the fees would be, that's as far as I got.

It might be that ST intend to pay whatever fees are to be charged. But I don't know that. And until I know what fees I am supposed to pay, there's no way I could get approval.

 - Danish

Posted on February 16, 2017 at 17:33



‌, you can enjoy the courses on our Udemy Platform, no worries, it is fully free of charge.

Thousands customers already went through our MOOC, no charges whatsoever.

Enjoy the course.

There is also

t if you want to download our training materials.


Posted on February 17, 2017 at 10:10

But the 'terms of use' link still goes back to the same page. So I can't read what I'm supposed to agree to. It would be dishonest to say that I'd read the terms of use.

< label for='termsOfUse'>< p>I have read and I accept the < a href=' ♯ ' class='companion' target='_blank'> Terms of Use< /a>< /p>< /label>

Posted on February 17, 2017 at 11:09

I believe that the Terms and agreements you are looking into is: 'UDEMY FOR BUSINESS AGREEMENT' . so that would be the agreement between UDEMY and ST, not between an end user like you and UDEMY.This being said, if you are not confident, I recommend that you download the courses from

t, you will have access to the same content, execpt it would be slides rather than video.
Posted on February 17, 2017 at 11:30

Sigh. It seems that either you have not bothered to read my reply to your post, or your browsing experience is different from mine (OSX, Safari)

I go to this page

  (Laurent VERA do please try it).

Then I see a check box for 'I have read and accept the terms of use', with 'terms of use' being a link.

I click on the link.

What do I see? Another tab opened, AGAIN on the page


So how on earth can I honestly claim I have read the terms of use?

Digging around on the ST website I found a UDEMY agreement which you claim is not the right one.

So where will I find (and be able to read) the right one?

Laurent VERA
Associate III
Posted on February 17, 2017 at 13:12


I think the like was broken, it is now active. Nothing should prevent you anymore from enjoying the MOOC.

Terms of Use here.