2016-08-26 6:29 AM
Using STM32F756.I have a weird problem. I get hard fault with unaligned address at random locations. Example:#0 HardFault_Handler () at ./hw/irq/irq.c:84#1 <signal handler called>#2 0x0801d7a4 in cia_step (cc=0x4) at ./emucc/cia.c:694#3 0x080178d8 in if_emu_cc_op_run (cycles=0x190) at ./emucc/emuccif.c:181#4 0x0801759c in sm_run () at ./hw/sm/sm.c:474#5 0x08016cc0 in main () at ./hw/main/main.c:294692 void cia_step(uint32_t cc)693 {694 g_cycles_in_queue += cc;695 uint32_t i; /* cia */696 uint32_t j; /* a or b */697 698 if(g_cycles_in_queue >= MIN_QUEUE_SIZE) │0x801d794 <cia_step> push {r4, r7} │0x801d796 <cia_step+2> sub sp, #16 │0x801d798 <cia_step+4> add r7, sp, #0 │0x801d79a <cia_step+6> str r0, [r7, #4] │0x801d79c <cia_step+8> ldr r3, [pc, #504] ; (0x801d998 <cia_step+516>) │0x801d79e <cia_step+10> ldr r2, [r3, #0] │0x801d7a0 <cia_step+12> ldr r3, [r7, #4] │0x801d7a2 <cia_step+14> add r3, r2>│0x801d7a4 <cia_step+16> ldr r2, [pc, #496] ; (0x801d998 <cia_step+516>) │0x801d7a6 <cia_step+18> str r3, [r2, #0] │0x801d7a8 <cia_step+20> ldr r3, [pc, #492] ; (0x801d998 <cia_step+516>) │0x801d7aa <cia_step+22> ldr r3, [r3, #0] │0x801d7ac <cia_step+24> cmp r3, #31 │0x801d7ae <cia_step+26> bls.w 0x801d98c <cia_step+504> │0x801d7b2 <cia_step+30> ldr r3, [pc, #484] ; (0x801d998 <cia_step+516>) │0x801d7b4 <cia_step+32> ldr r3, [r3, #0](gdb) print *(SCB_Type *)(0xE000E000 + 0x0D00)$6 = {CPUID = 0x410fc271, ICSR = 0x440f803, VTOR = 0x8000000, AIRCR = 0xfa050300, SCR = 0x0, CCR = 0x70200, SHPR = '\000' <repeats 11 times>, ''\020'', SHCSR = 0x10000, CFSR = 0x1000000, HFSR = 0x40000000, DFSR = 0xb, MMFAR = 0x0, BFAR = 0x0, AFSR = 0x0, ID_PFR = {0x30, 0x200}, ID_DFR = 0x100000, ID_AFR = 0x0, ID_MFR = {0x110030, 0x0, 0x1000000, 0x0}, ID_ISAR = {0x1101110, 0x2112000, 0x20232231, 0x1111131, 0x1310132}, RESERVED0 = {0x0}, CLIDR = 0x9000003, CTR = 0x8303c003, CCSIDR = 0xf003e019, CSSELR = 0x0, CPACR = 0x0, RESERVED3 = {0x0, 0x800, 0x5, 0x0, 0x60000000, 0x1303002d, 0x60000000, 0x1303002d, 0x60000000, 0x1303002d, 0x60000000, 0x1303002d, 0x0 <repeats 13 times>, 0x30003, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0 <repeats 64 times>}, STIR = 0x0, RESERVED4 = {0x0 <repeats 12 times>, 0xc0000000, 0xfffffff8, 0x0}, MVFR0 = 0x10110021, MVFR1 = 0x11000011, MVFR2 = 0x40, RESERVED5 = {0x0}, ICIALLU = 0x0, RESERVED6 = {0x0}, ICIMVAU = 0x0, DCIMVAC = 0x0, DCISW = 0x0, DCCMVAU = 0x0, DCCMVAC = 0x0, DCCSW = 0x0, DCCIMVAC = 0x0, DCCISW = 0x0, RESERVED7 = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, ITCMCR = 0x73, DTCMCR = 0x3b, AHBPCR = 0x9, CACR = 0x2, AHBSCR = 0x800, RESERVED8 = {0x0}, ABFSR = 0x0}(gdb) So according to usage fault register I get hardfault because of unaligned memory access. This does not make any sense, since the exact same function has been executing without problems a million times before and flash has not been changed. Also it happens on different locations in the code.According to this -> this seems to be a known problem, but I already got their ''solution'' in place and I still get the problem.Anyone got any clue about how to fix this ?2016-08-26 7:03 AM
Hi rygelxvi,
1- Are you in the same conditions as the ones described in the mentioned link (SDRAM used...)?2- Once appeared, is the issue still faced systematically or are you facing it randomly?-Mayla-To give better visibility on the answered topics, please click on Accept as Solution on the reply which solved your issue or answered your question.
2016-08-27 2:09 AM
Hi Mayla, thanks for answering !
1. Now when I read it again, perhaps not.2. It happens at random.I think I have found a solution to my problem, I changed the flash latency from 4 to 5. Now the problem is at least less frequent, perhaps completely gone.