2017-06-12 11:09 PM
Hello all,
I am trying to read the ADC value from PA0 pin on a STM32F7 Disco board but without any success.
The issue is that the ADC reading is acting as the pin is floating
I suspect that the initialization code is not correct due to the fact that if i change the the Pull parameter to PULLUP/DOWN the behavior of the ADC value stays the same.
I have try to run also the example ADC_RegularConversion_DMA from STM32Cube_FW_F7_V1.7.0 but the behavior of the value is the same (i run the code on 2 different new boards)
I have attached the ADC code for review.
Can someone help me figure it out what is wrong here?
#adc-reads #stm32f7-discovery2017-06-13 8:37 AM
Hello AvaTar,
I have started to use cube when i switched to F7, before i have only worked with F103 and i also did not used mxcube.
Until i will find examples that are not cube based i will have to stick to it due to the F7 complexity.
Now, if you have example that are not cube based can you share them? On the F7 i will use I2C, UART in DMA RxTx, EXTI and ADC, i have figure it myself how to deal with GPIO
.Once again, if you have non cube based examples please share them if you can.
2017-06-13 9:10 AM
Hello all and thank you for your support. I have found the issue of my ADC problem, is not software, it is the poor soldering of the CN5 connector on both boards, basically only PF6/PF7 can be used on my boards, for the other to work i need to apply pressure on the connector from side. I will return the boards a ask for new ones because all Arduino connectors are faulty.
Best regards,