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STM32F4cube examples - but where ?

M G_2
Associate III
Posted on June 27, 2018 at 16:17

Dear Community,

I’ve just installed the STM32F4cube from SetupSTM32CubeMX-4.26.0.exe  but I cannot find the “

Hundreds of examples for easy understanding

� mentioned on

  or in AN4739.

Unfortunately the installer hasn’t installed a folder having a similar name

like STM32Cube_FW_F4_VX.Y.Z\Projects\. .

I would be very glad if someone could give a hint how to also instal those examples.


Accepted Solutions
Posted on June 27, 2018 at 17:12

Go into the settings from CubeMX and look where you put the repository



This is Help -> Updater Settings

If you haven't installed the F4 packages, install those

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View solution in original post

Posted on June 27, 2018 at 17:12

Go into the settings from CubeMX and look where you put the repository



This is Help -> Updater Settings

If you haven't installed the F4 packages, install those

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Posted on June 27, 2018 at 22:11

Dear Clive,

the repository folder mentioned in your post is there but without any software in it. I’ve followed your hint to also download the F4cube “� and viola it contained all the examples I was searching for. Thank you very much for your help.