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STM32F446ZET6 - Struggling to get the CAN running

Associate II


I'm struggling to get the CAN working on a project I'm working on with the STM32F446ZET6. With the project below (CastletRestart) i just get a flat line of 3.3V high on the TX line for CAN1, this is being tested in loop back mode, with the TUT_CAN_F446 project the can works (downloaded from a tutorial) in loopback mode, as far as i can see ive replicated everything across but it still isnt working.

Its likely to be something silly and i do apologise for this being the case but i cannot see what ive missed having reviewed the code countless times.

P.s. i am aware the Tutorial project is targeted at a different micro, but the CAN1 ports are the same.

Any advice welcomed, thank you for your time
