2015-07-14 4:12 AM
Hello. I am trying to make USB MSC device on this board with internal RAM disc as storage.
I am using STM32_USB-Host-Device_Lib_V2.1.0 and i use USB MSC project from that archive as example. I have made changes in three files:2015-07-14 6:42 AM
I have posted an MSC SDRAM-DISK example for the STM32F429I-DISCO
2015-07-14 10:49 PM
Yes, i found it, but only .hex file. i have programmed it into board MCU and it works. But it doesn't help me.
And today i have made some changes. now i am using external SDRAM on the board and i use it as RAM disk. but my problem remains. i found one decision. i am changed MSC_BOT_Init function by adding such lines: DCD_EP_ClrStall(pdev, MSC_OUT_EP);DCD_EP_ClrStall(pdev, MSC_IN_EP);
Now sometimes i can format my disk. But work remains unstable.
2015-07-14 11:43 PM
oh, i'm so sorry. i found the bug. when i learned how to use this library i added debug information output in usbd_core.c file. and i attemted to write out of debug information array index. now it works fine.