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STM32f429I crashes when activating TIM8

Posted on April 20, 2016 at 17:53


I am using a STM32F429I discovery board and I would like to use the TIM8 with external clock source to trigger ADC conversions. Unfortunately, when I activate and configure TIM8 in STM32CubeMX my application crashes completely (e.g. other timers do not output anything anymore). If I comment out ''MX_TIM8_Init();'' everything works as expected. If  ''MX_TIM8_Init();'' is called, the application seems to crash while sending the SDRAM initialization sequence. What can possibly go wrong? And where can I find more information about a possible crash? I am using Keil uVision as IDE.

Basically the application outputs some signals with several timers, reads resulting values using the ADC and displays the results on the display. I have ported the configuration for SDRAM and LCD to STM32CubeMX from the board support package, used in the examples.

Senior II
Posted on June 17, 2016 at 14:00

Hi smrtkai,

Thank you for the share. So, you mean that the sequencing of the code generated by CbeMx is the problem source : so MX_LTDC_Init is called befor SDRAM init which cause the problem or is that related to your own code implimentation ?


Posted on June 22, 2016 at 12:35

It's an implementation problem.

I have set the ''Layer 0 - Color Frame Buffer Start Adress'' to an address in SDRAM. But my SDRAM initialization was called afterwards.

I have removed the layer configuration from STM32CubeMX. And finally everything works as expected.