2016-03-19 7:23 AM
I have a brand-new project (with brand-new circuit board) based
on the STM32F410CBT6 chip. This chip, which I think is relatively new, supposedly has 128KB of FLASH and 32KB of SRAM. However, the default linker script provided by STM incorrectly says the FLASH is 64KB. So, I corrected the linker script and I will (try to) attach a copy. Like all of my STM projects, this is a VisualGDB project (and VisualGDB is the best thing since sliced bread). Thus, I first noticed my STM32F410 problem when I tried to load/debug the new program with VisualGDB. VisualGDB claims the stack address 0x20007FFC is not writable, yet the data sheet (and the linker script) say that address is perfectly legal. When I tried a much lower value for _estack, I got the same failure but with the new supposedly illegal address correctly indicated in the error message. So I then tried to load my new program with STM's ST-Link Utility program. No joy! ST-Link Utility connects to the device and correctly identifies it as an STM32F410xx Rev A, but when I try to ''erase chip'' I get a MessageBox saying that ''the elf loader is bigger than the RAM size''. When I explicitly tell ST-Link Utility to examine SRAM memory addresses, it does successfully access the addresses from 0x20000000 to 0x20007FFC, and then fails at 0x20008000 as expected. Hmmm. So, how big is this ''elf loader'' anyway? Does anyone know? I don't really know anything about elf loaders, but I've written a few ''loaders'' in my day and they are all just a coupla hundred bytes of tightly coded assembly language -- certainly nothing approaching 32KB! Ideas? Note that I've run this problem by the VisualGDB folks (who provide TOP QUALITY tech support), and they haven't seen this one before. Maybe I've purchased a load of Rev A chips that don't work? I'm not fond of that answer. :) - eNick #tl2016-03-19 12:04 PM
I don't see any attachments, the .ELF and .MAP would be of interest.
I wasn't aware the ST-LINK Utilities handled .ELF/.AXF, I thought they only did .HEX and .BIN Try creating a .HEX and seeing what that looks like.2016-03-20 5:36 AM
Hello, Clive1. Thanks for the quick response.
The ST-Link Utility (STLU) program does not, in fact, deal in .ELF files. I was trying to get it to load a .BIN version of my project. (I have VisualGDB set to generate both a .ELF and a .BIN for everything.) When STLU generated that MessageBox saying ''The elf loader is bigger than the RAM size'', it was trying to load the .BIN not the .ELF. My conclusion: the error message has little or nothing to do with the actual error. Also, please remember that I got the same error message from STLU when I told it to ''erase chip'' -- which would/should have nothing to do with my project at all. Note that VisualGDB DOES successfully load my project; it just cannot RUN the loaded image under the debugger. In case you are not familiar with VisualGDB, let me just mention that we are talking about VisualGDB conning Visual Studio into invoking the GDB debugger from the GNU ARM toolchain to talk to the on-chip hardware debugger that is part of the ARM Cortex M4 specification. Thus, it appears that it is the on-chip hardware debugger that does not like the chip! Yeah, hard to believe... You didn't see any attachments to my message because I have yet to figure out this, um, enigmatic forum software. (Someone less charitable than I might have said ''demented''.) I did try to attach some evidence, but the message got posted before I came close to figuring out how to attach anything. Meanwhile, I think the thing to dwell on here is the fact that STM's own ST-Link Utility doesn't like STM's own STM32F410 chip, and won't even erase it, and issues an insane error message when it tries. Something seems rotten in STMland. Note that I first suspected an error (on my part) concerning BOOT0, but I have checked that carefully (and I now don't even think BOOT0 could cause this problem anyway). Let me explicitly state that I have BOOT0 on my STM32F410CBT6 connected to ground through a 1k resistor. At this point, I would very much like to see someone, anyone, inform me that he has successfully incorporated an STM32F410CB into a working project. eNick2016-03-20 7:01 AM
Unfortunately no one has provided me with any F410 boards.
2016-03-24 3:33 AM
It turns out STM has made a new one of those ''Nucleo'' boards
that incorporates the F410, and I have ordered one that should arrive tomorrow (Friday 25Mar16). I should learn something from that. I haven't been ignoring you for four days, Clive. When you added that 4th post to this thread on 20Mar16, this insane forum software neglected to bump the post-count from 3 to four. Whan I post a new message, I am semi-religious about checking for developments several times per day, but I have been relying on the thread post-count (which apparently doesn't work around here). Speaking of insane STM forum software, yesterday I also posted an official request for tech support on this issue in the Support section of the official STM website. That software issued me a Ticket Number (TECH17108), then briefly flashed a message saying my issue already appears 16 times in their Knowledge Base, and then thoroughly resisted all my attempts to look at that issue (or any other issue) in the KB. This morning, I logged into the official website Support forum again and could not find any reference to my TECH17108 ticket at all. (I also tried again, and failed, to see ANYTHING in the STM Knowledge Base.) I can't even figure out if THAT forum is the same forum as THIS forum, which would imply that the STM forum is somehow ''My'' STM forum. In a couple of hours, the STM Tech Support telephone hours will start, and I will call them again, this time with a Ticket Number. If I ever get a cogent answer, I will post it here. - eNick2016-03-24 3:58 AM
I think the forum software and search here are universally hated.
I don't hang on responses, but rather bat at what is currently being pitched. The user base tends to be transitory.2016-03-25 5:06 AM
Okay, here's the latest. It turns out that there are several
problems in the default STM32F410 linker script, AND the very latest v3.8 of the ST-Link Utility (STLU) is required for the F410. The STLU does not automatically check for updates, so it's best to check every three minutes. :) The new v3.8 STLU seems to work fine with my new custom circuit board, but VisualGDB does not. The VisualGDB folks are now looking into this. They told me I am their first known customer to work with the F410. I am the pioneer with the arrows in my back! I received my STM32F410RB Nucleo board yesterday, and STLU seems to like it just fine. However, I managed to brick it during my testing, and it appears that there is no way (yet) to get the demo software program that came already loaded. (There is also no schematic available yet, far as I can tell.) BOTTOM LINE: It appears that there is nothing wrong with the Rev A F410 chips, and I am happy to wait for the VisualGDB guys to weigh in.2016-03-25 10:01 AM
Hello eNick,
Glad to hear that the latest version of STLU proves that there is no issues with your F410 revA chips.Concerning VisualGDB (vGDB): I think that this problem is not related to vGDB it self.Because vGDB relies on openOCD to program STM32 chips.So I can say that this issue is absolutely related to openOCD maintained by its own community.But I think that vGDB does not include the latest version of openOCD (I'm not that sure).If yes : your problem could be solved using the latest one,which you can download it from Freddie Chopin's website (latest release is 0.9).Best Regards,Tarek BOUCHKATI2016-03-25 10:06 AM
Hi cupery.e._nicholas,
There is also no schematic available yet, far as I can tell.==> Please note that the schematic of the STM32F410 Nucleo board is available in thehttp://www.st.com/st-web-ui/static/active/en/resource/technical/document/user_manual/DM00105823.pdf
(STM32 Nucleo-64 boards). It turns out that there are several problems in the default STM32F410 linker script==> Could you please precise the example where the linker file is wrong?-Mayla-To give better visibility on the answered topics, please click on Accept as Solution on the reply which solved your issue or answered your question.
2016-03-29 2:18 PM
Hello Tarek. I share your suspicion that there is something
not quite right about my version of OpenOCD. However, I am deferring that investigation until I get my custom F410 program to behave better. It still doesn't work as I expect, even when loaded into the STM Nucleo F410RB board by STM's own ST-Link Utility. I have opened a support ticket complaining that the Nucleo F410RB demo program is missing from the STM website, and STM has responded that the program will be posted soon. I want to see exactly what it does at startup. Please stay tuned. - eNick