2017-10-31 3:54 AM
hi. i work with the stm32f407vgDiscovery kit. i used the stm32f103rbNucleo kit before which has an stlink with a cirtual com port which i used with uart. the current board stm32f407vgdiscovery lists a virtual com port on my computer and i can also connect to it but i dont know how to use it. The schematics do not route the stlinkv2 to the boards uart nor usb. Is this not ment to be used ? There is an alternative to use cn5 (usb connector on board, not stlink) but id really prefer it to use the one within the stlink to have one cable only.
2017-10-31 5:58 AM
The DISC1 version has an ST-LINK chip supporting the VCP, the circuit board wasn't updated so you'd have to wire the chip manually.