2017-11-14 5:02 PM
Hello All,
I am trying to use double buffer mode on one of the GPIO ports - using the timer method; and I've enabled circular DMA mode and have enabled M0AR and M1AR; but when the first transfer takes place; I'm getting a program exception.
Does the DMA controller automatically make the switch between memory spaces or am I supposed to do that in the IRQ?
I thought once this was set up - the M0AR being Mem_0 and M1AR being Mem_1 did it. I admit in the std perif lib the description of that being the 'current memory' is a little confusing - but I've tried implementing this several ways and the exception always occurs after the first transfer.
Right now - the DMA controller is copying to both buffers on every transfer - I see that in the debugger.
I am calling these command in my DMA init code:
DMA_DoubleBufferModeConfig(DMA2_Stream1, (uint32_t) &dbRxBuffer0[0], DMA_Memory_0); // ? Current memory
DMA_DoubleBufferModeConfig(DMA2_Stream1, (uint32_t) &dbRxBuffer1[0], DMA_Memory_1);DMA_DoubleBufferModeCmd(DMA2_Stream1, ENABLE);
Thanks In Advance,
John W.
2017-11-14 5:08 PM
I should add:
Since the DMA physical path in this case is shared - meaning I'm using TIM1_CH1 for both xmit and rcv; and that has to be turned on and off; will circular mode work?
I do have to turn off the stream and redirect on every xmit (out of the GPIO port) and rcv (in from the GPIO port).
John W.
2017-11-14 9:07 PM
I recall the double buffer requires interrupts to refresh the DMA as double buffer mode. If single buffer cyclical mode, then no interrupt is needed. Dynamically changing stream seems acrobatic. If the goal is to scan fast GPIOs, use timers input captures (Input) or output compares (Output). Some STM32 families can DMA on the capture/compare register.
2017-11-15 6:38 AM
Thanks for the reply.
Another issue I just saw makes me think the TIM1_CH1 input clock is being divided by 2 - but I don't know how that could be happening right now. It looks like every other byte is being received - maybe something thinks it is in 16 bit mode vs. 8 bits and the high byte is getting lost? Sure looks something like that right now.
I noticed in the docs when you access IDR and ODR that the registers are always in 16 bit mode - so makes me think the register xfers going on are 16 bits and could explain why I'm seeing every other byte transferred in the RCV buffers.
John W.
2017-11-15 6:52 AM
Make sure the DMA is transferring 16 bit modes. Long time ago, a 16 bit timer register is 'latched' when read in 8 bit mode: The LSB (or MSB) was latched when the MSB (or LSB) is read in 8 bit mode, which could explain the foreseen behaviour.