2012-09-05 10:55 PM
the control flow is stuck on this placewhile(RCC_GetFlagStatus(RCC_FLAG_LSERDY) == RESET)
{ }i think that i mistook onoscillating frequency.BUT could not find it.attached the files.you may refer it please.
#rtc #wait-for-you--clive1-!-!-!2012-12-25 10:46 AM
Ok, so reasonably safe to assume the external circuitry isn't functioning as desired. I'll wave my magic wand, but don't think it will help.
2012-12-25 10:47 PM
'' I'll wave my magic wand''
I can not get you.
2012-12-27 4:32 AM
i tried LSI for source clock.but i do not get the accurate RTC clock and calender.
Then i combined below examples for accurate RTC LSI :stm32f4_dsp_stdperiph_lib\STM32F4xx_DSP_StdPeriph_Lib_V1.0.1\Project\STM32F4xx_StdPeriph_Examples\RTC\RTC_LSIandstm32f4_dsp_stdperiph_lib\STM32F4xx_DSP_StdPeriph_Lib_V1.0.1\Project\STM32F4xx_StdPeriph_Examples\RTC\TimeStampNow i get the Precise RTC clock.but i have doubt.>that any problem may come because of LSI?>LSI or LSE.Which is best to use?2013-01-09 5:04 AM
Why so ?
I am not sure why they are not providing crystal for RTC. So If we want to use RTC then we must have to mount that X3 and capacitors ?2013-01-09 6:56 AM
Why so ? I am not sure why they are not providing crystal for RTC. So If we want to use RTC then we must have to mount that X3 and capacitors ?
The RTC runs with either LSI or LSE or HSE divided down. What you will need LSE for is to clock the RTC if you use the lowest power modes, and run it via VBAT. They don't provide a spot for the battery either? The STM32L-Discovery board comes with a 32.768 KHz crystal and a location to install a battery holder. Assume it relates to cost and expected use patterns. You could always buy the EVAL series board.
2013-01-09 7:59 PM
Yes agree in this case. But people goes with Discovery kit just because there is much difference in price as compare to Eval board. Is there any low cost Eval board available ? Let me know if you have any idea.2013-01-10 2:00 AM
I think there is a cheap clone of the 320Eval on ebay, with slot for the discovery and LCD + PHY, something like 50 GBP, directly from China, not sure if it is still for sale. But why skip on the most exciting part of prototyping - soldering your own proto. The coding is the boring part. :)2013-01-10 2:15 AM
Actually I am learning STM32 so I don't want to spare my mind in hardware section once I am ready with firmware development then I will go with my own prototype board. I have worked a lot on Freescale and Microchip based prototype. Now I am really bored with soldering and everything so want to enjoy firmware for some time. Thanks for pointing out board on ebay. I will check for that clone thanks again.2013-01-11 12:35 AM
No problem, was just a joke. BTW for your problem. Check the load capacitance of the crystal you use and the external capacitors. For example i usehttp://uk.farnell.com/abracon/abs25-32-768khz-6-1-t/crystal-32-768khz-6pf-smd/dp/2101353
from Farnell, i had to use ~8pF external caps. With lower value the LSE was not starting at all, probably is the exact case with you (i talk about Discovery board). Regards, Chris2014-01-28 11:36 AM
This one with 6.8pF caps works ok for me.