2014-06-16 6:57 AM
I need to connect an LCD with stm32f4 haw can i do it. I works with keil
2014-06-16 7:43 AM
Probably very much like the 16x2 displays. Find a board schematic and example code, get documentation for the specific display you're talking about, read and digest.
C:\Keil473\ARM\Boards\Keil\MCBSTM32\Blinky\LCD_4bit.c2014-06-17 3:50 AM
Thank you fo your help I found the liberty and the LCD.c but that is not work whith stm32f4 discovery
2014-06-17 7:24 AM
''Not working'' is not the description of a problem I can solve.
What make/model of display are you using? Cite a data sheet. How have you wired this up to the STM32F4-Discovery, and what changes have you make to the example code to accommodate the differences in your implementation? There have to be hundreds or thousands of blog posts about people attaching 16x1 or 16x2 type displays to micro-controllers, review some of those.2014-06-18 11:41 AM
2014-06-18 12:26 PM
I would be careful with the delay routine, and the sensitivity to the part coming out of reset. I don't particularly like software delay loops, you could define the loop variable as volatile so Keil doesn't optimize it away, or have the delay use a hardware timer/count to achieve the delays/sequencing described in the LCD data sheet.
2014-06-19 7:55 AM
Thank you for your help i found a solution using timer and nvic