2014-05-30 4:28 AM
Hi there,
i'm trying to set up a STM32F429 as an USB host. Therefore i configured USB_OTG_FS in CubeMX as Host_Only. Within the USB_OTG_FS configuration there is a checkbox called Activate_SOF which is marked red with the hint: ''Activate_SOF conflict with: I2C3: I2C I2C'' I don't know where the conflict is coming from, as all pins used by USB and I2C are different. Could it be a clocking issue? As far as i know, the SOF (start of frame) is necessary for the host to operate. Is this true? Or is it possible to opearate the host without activation the SOF feature? Thanks in advance!2014-05-31 6:39 AM
> Within the USB_OTG_FS configuration there is a checkbox called Activate_SOF
This ''Activate_SOF'' appears under the ''pinout'' tab. It means USB_OTG_FS_SOF signal appears on the pin.> As far as i know, the SOF (start of frame) is necessary for the host to operate.
Yes, on the USB line. But it doesn't mean you need the extra SOF timing signal on the output pin. Most of USB applications don't need SOF timing output on the pin. Just a couple of USB Audio applications should require this signaling, to make an external chip synchronized with SOF timing. Tsuneo
2014-06-19 7:54 AM
Can you please provide your MX .ioc file and the STM32CubeMX version you're using. Thank you.