2015-10-03 7:00 PM
I'm using stm32f4 discovery board. The IDE I'm using is IAR EWARM. I have tried the sample code for IAP. But i want load my own code/program into the flash memory. So how i can produce a bin file which can be used for the IAP programme? #stm32f4 #iap #discovery2015-10-03 7:22 PM
The goal is to generate a .BIN image for a firmware that resides at 0x08008000
I don't use IAR, but you should at the least be able to generate a .HEX file, from there you can use tools like HEX2BIN or SRECORD to generate a .BIN. IAR might have it's own tools to do this, or a check box, you'll have to read your documentation. Other IAP examples for the F4 (USART, ETHERNET) might have additional examples of the ''app'' build methods/process. But it's basically to change the build address, and adjust the vector table (SCB->VTOR) settings in SystemInit(), et al, in system_stm32f4xx.c