2016-05-25 4:00 AM
Good morning,
Whenever I connect my board via usb, the COM LED lights up solid blue and the LD2 lights up solid green. Does this indicate an error (I'm asking because I haven't been able to get the board to work for a couple days now)? Everywhere I read says that my board should just have a solid red light on LD2. If it is an error how can I fix this? #stm32f4-discovery-ld22016-05-25 5:50 AM
Hi tlamb96,
Welcome to STM32 community.1. I recommend you to have a look to the User manual: Discovery kit with STM32F407VG MCU2. Try to connect using ST-LINK Utility 3. If you have an older firmware version try to upgrade to latest version: open STM32 ST-LINK Utility > ST-LINK > Firmware update -Syrine-
2016-05-25 6:27 AM
I have looked at the document before and it specifies what is going on when the COM lights are green or red but doesn't say anything about the LED being blue... And the document says that LD2 PWR should be red to indicate power but it doesn't say anything about it being green. Is my board broken? (and yes I have updated the firmware)
2016-05-25 10:17 AM
Can't say I've ever seen it be BLUE
Did this board work up to some point and then stop. What changed on your code or utilization side?Have you tried using different cables? Strapping BOOT0/VDD so it enters ROM instead of FLASH?2016-05-30 3:15 PM
Hey clive1! I've read some of your responses and they have helped a lot. I made a video explaining everything that is wrong with my board. The goal is to be able to develop on Linux via OpenOCD or STLink (a github repo) but I can't even get it to work on Windows first :( Any help or advice would be great! (If the video is in low quality that means its still rendering on YouTube but it should be HD in a few minutes)
https://youtu.be/TDRt7DYtAYk2016-05-30 4:42 PM
Looks like a fake STM32F4-DISCO board, where did you get it. The real ones have soldered pin headers, black jumpers, and black phono connector, with black and blue push buttons. The ST-LINK LED (LD1) is a single piece RED/GREEN LED, in a white square module.
See Here DFU mode requires you reset the F407 into ROM, this is done by strapping BOOT0 and VDD (3V HIGH), they are right next to each other, use a single jumper. The USB connection for the F407 is the Micro USB connect CN5 at the bottom of the board. The top USB connector goes to the F103 performing the ST-LINK functionality, and has no direct connectivity to the F407.2016-05-30 5:05 PM
2016-05-30 8:15 PM
Thank you so much for the timely response!
Updated video: https://youtu.be/p8yEKIbPe-c I thought I could program the F407 USB cable!? I want to be able to program my board in a Linux environment which the ST-Link DFU utility does not support :\ So do I have to buy a ST-Link (the white one show in the video?) and/or the F103? Also, I have played around with the board trying to get if to connect via BOOT0 -> VDD(3V) and it isn't working. Any help would be greatly appreciated!2016-05-30 8:48 PM
I apologize for the edit. I didn't know it would make the thread so long.