2013-02-12 12:28 PM
Can we send data via graphic interface to the stm32F4 via USB ? If it's possible, give me some exemple or what i should do to make USB work. Can we work with USART and USB in the same time ? Can someone help me please!2013-02-12 12:59 PM
Can we send data via graphic interface to the stm32F4 via USB ?
What does this mean? A camera, a bitmap, VCP, what? Is there a class of USB device, or driver, you can point at that does this?Can we work with USART and USB in the same time ? Yes, in fact multiple USARTs, and perhaps both USBCan someone help me please!
What are you offering?
2013-02-13 4:27 PM
Thanks Clive.
I mean : send data from PC to STM32 via USB . I didn't find exemple like this communication.. how I can use USART with the USB of STM32F4? TX and RX ? where I should connect it ? If I use RS232 ..it's easy to do ..