2015-01-05 5:21 AM
I have a new STM32f4 Discovery board and would like to be able to build, burn,
debug programs in Ubuntu linux version 14.04. I basically followed these directions: http://www.wolinlabs.com/blog/linux.stm32.discovery.gcc.html This site says: If you want the unmodified STM library source download that from STM's website (I've added Makefiles and linker files to build STM's example projects w/ the GNU/ARM toolchain, but left everything else intact..) So, I used the STM32F4-Discovery_FW_V1.1.0 library from https://github.com/rowol/stm32_discovery_arm_gcc I was able to build all of these examples, burn, and somewhat debug them with arm-none-eabi-gdb and st-link. 1. I would like to get the STM32CubeF4 examples to work, but I've been unable to find any instructions, Makefiles, etc to run these in linux from the command line. I also discovered that there is a newer version of libraries, STM32F4xx_DSP_StdPeriph_Lib_V1.4.0 But again, there are no Makefiles or gnu support. 2. What is the 'proper' gnu toolchain to use? Is the one that I got from wolinlabs.com the official version? 3. are the files (with the same names) the same in STM32CubeF4 and STM32F4xx_DSP_StdPeriph_Lib_V1.4.0 the same? Ie, does STM32CubeF4 just include the same files that are in STM32F4xx_DSP_StdPeriph_Lib_V1.4.0? 4. Why is there no gnu support in these packages? I see support for EWARM, MDK-ARM, and TrueSTUDIO. 5. Is there a place that I can get the files needed to build the examples in these two packages with gnu tools on the command line? 6. should I use openocd instead of st-link? I tried openocd and it seems to run more reliably (setting breakpoints, eg) than st-link, but I may not yet have things set up correctly. #stm32f4-discovery-gnu-makefiles2015-01-05 5:47 AM
I also discovered that there is a newer version of libraries, STM32F4xx_DSP_StdPeriph_Lib_V1.4.0
But again, there are no Makefiles or gnu support.
2. What is the 'proper' gnu toolchain to use? Is the one that I got from
wolinlabs.com the official version? The official releases do not have stand-alone GNU/GCC makefiles or linker scripts. These are usually added by third parties, like myself, to demonstrate functionality. Both Atollic and RiDe use GNU/GCC tool chains. The makefiles in these other releases should be usable in newer releases, you might have to tweak a DEFINE or two.4. Why is there no gnu support in these packages? I see support for EWARM, MDK-ARM, and TrueSTUDIO. Open Source tool users are deemed sufficiently competent to use the tools they have chosen. Support costs are burdensome, especially for users who pay nothing.