2013-08-31 10:50 AM
i tried ST's adc exemple and i got weird values of my variable while debugging , for exemple i got 30 for 2.0 v and -1000 for 2.5 v , so anyone have a working code with no weird things? and thnx :)2013-08-31 4:34 PM
2013-09-01 3:19 AM
thank you clive it's better anyway , i got this values on debugging the array table values :
2 , 24 , 1040 , 1418 , 2001 , 2400 ,2800 , 3381 , 4095 , 3895 the problem is at 5v i got value 3895 and at 4.xx v i got 4095 !! :o any help plz2013-09-01 6:44 AM
How exactly do you expect to sample 5V on a part that's probably running at 3V? Wouldn't that exceed VREF+?
2013-09-01 10:37 AM
yeah right VREF+ is 3.3v thnx :)