2015-05-20 8:39 AM
Using a ULink2 debugger I can download code OK, but debugging is marginal to non-functional. I found if I press the hardware reset AFTER entering the ''Start Debug Session'', I can usually get 1-break point to work reasonably well. I've heard the ULink2 should use an *.ini file for proper configuration to the application, but can find no details or examples or any information which would be in that ini file. Suggestions...?
2015-05-20 6:11 PM
You probably want to double check you clock, pll, and flash state settings. It's going to run SystemInit() [system_stm32f3xx.c] prior to getting to your main() function, so ''run to main'' can get jammed up.
I have to use .INI files if I want to run from RAM, as you have to ''LOAD'' the executable code rather than program the FLASH. Honestly don't think ones going to help you here.