2023-10-05 2:10 AM
I am using STM32f205vet6 in that there is no availability of sub seconds Iam using rtc based timer and also I have code for stm32g0 series for that when I try to migrate the stm32 G0 code to F2 series error are happening I a way to migrate the same code to F2 series without that sub seconds
2023-10-05 6:57 AM
There's no magical conversion process. To port code, you copy it over and work through the various errors, if any. General C code will work the same, but peripherals may change a bit between the two.
Perhaps show your code along with the errors and issues you're encountering.
2023-10-05 8:54 AM
If something is not available you're going to have to re-evaluate what it is you actually need, and how that can be achieved in different way. If the RTC isn't exposing the sub-second counts, you'll need to find a different way to wake-up or account for elapsed time. The F2 has several TIM that can be used for timing, or measuring time.
You don't explain what you're specific need / goal is, not the resolution of time you're trying to capture.
Related https://community.st.com/t5/stm32-mcus-boards-and-hardware/sub-seconds-in-stm32-f205vet6/td-p/594092