2014-04-05 9:54 PM
I need 10K eeprom. I am planning to use flash for this. I am using keil
1. How to separate part of memory for eeprom , I mean where to mention it. So that it don't get overwritten by hex file.2. Is there any exapmle code for this.2014-04-05 10:35 PM
ST has posted
, but I don't think it will work in the manner you need. If you want to store configuration/calibration type data in flash, your best route would be to break the memory space up to free one of the 16KB sectors near the front of flash. This might be achieved by using the first 16KB for a Boot Loader, and pushing you application further into memory, perhaps to the 64 or 128KB boundaries. Thehttp://www.st.com/web/en/catalog/tools/PF257899
may help with this partitioning. Alternatively, you could create a custom scatter file, to allow the linker to create a void in the FLASH image to accommodate the sector(s) you want to write data into.2014-05-13 12:48 PM
Preferably better method may be to craete custom scatter file. That I will do.
But how to read/write particular flash sectors of STM205RBT6. Is there any example code for it.2014-05-13 1:00 PM