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STM32F205 Power Stop example does not work

Posted on June 17, 2014 at 17:47


I am currently trying to get the example code for Stop mode for the STM32F2xx processor to work, without success. The example in question is the Stop.ewp project.

The Wakeup IRQ handler is never called and the example code just waits forever for an interrupt to be generated to switch it out of Stop mode.

The delay at the start of the example is executed correctly, but thereafter nothing happens. What am I doing wrong?

Posted on June 17, 2014 at 17:50

What am I doing wrong?

Hard to know.

What board are you testing this on?

Does the board have an external 32.768 KHz clock crystal for the RTC?

Is the board free standing, or are you doing this attached to a debugger?
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Posted on June 18, 2014 at 09:41

Hi Clive,

I'm testing this on our proprietary board that was developed (and works) for the STM32F103 processor. I am currently porting the functionality over to the F205 processor.

The board has a 32.768 kHz crystal for the external clock and I have set the LSE clock with the following line


(this was the default in the example).

I am using a JTAG debugger to start the example and am using the line


to provide access to the example when running.

Could this be the problem?  The example did not work before I used the debugger statements either...