2014-03-02 6:43 AM
Afternoon all,
I am having some problems with clock rate setting on the stm32f103 and I am hoping you can point me in the correct direction. (I think this is a very simple problem!). First up I do not have a scope on me at the moment to check the clock out pin. Hopefully I will be able to check this soon. Anyway the problem. I have a board that uses an Xbee radio for wireless comms. Some simple code I have setup (And working) prints wirelessly to terminal Buad rate set in code to 9600. This works perfectly after flashing the board and the xbee transmits perfectly. However, when I do a power reset on the board the Xbee begins communicating incorrect data (common problem I have seen with having the baud rate set wrong). I assume this is because on 'startup' the board is/isn't setting the clock speed correctly and since the buad rate is calculated using this it is causing problems. Am i missing something obvious? On my stm32f100rb (discovery board), I do not seem to have this same issue. Thanks all, any advice is much appreciated. Iam2014-03-02 7:45 AM
Perhaps the external crystal on your board isn't starting reliably? You could modify the clock/pll configuration in system_stm32f1xx.c (SystemInit) to use the HSI (8 MHz, 4 MHz into PLL) as the clocking source. You could also check the RCC bits related to the HSE and PLL. Without a scope you could toggle an LED via a TIM or SysTick based on expected clocks at 1 Hz, and then see if it's wildly off by eye.
2014-03-02 7:49 AM
On some reboots I seem to 'luck into' the correct frequency and the Xbee communicates properly. (further testing)
Not quite sure what is going on here. I have a 8Mhz external osc connected just like with the discovery board.2014-03-02 8:01 AM
Thanks Clive,
A good suggestion. I will try this now. Why would it work fine 100% after programming though?2014-03-02 8:15 AM
Putting a delay in code between transmits seems to fix the problem.
Thanks for the help, I will check with a scope when I am able to get access to one.2014-03-02 8:21 AM
Why would it work fine 100% after programming though?
Hard to say, you'd have to do a bunch more diagnostic work to understand/explain how the part was starting in the two conditions, and what the xbee is doing in these conditions.2014-03-31 6:52 AM
''Why would it work fine 100% after programming though?''
Because that doesn't involve a power-cycle, perhaps?As clive1 says, you need to do some more investigation; but perhaps you external crystal only starts oscillating some considerable time after power-up - so that the chip uses the internal oscillator instead...?2014-03-31 6:54 AM
Someone else with an apparently similar issue: