2020-03-26 6:42 PM
I just received 3 bluepill board I ordered from china and, while trying them, I noticed that one of them shows up as having 128kb of flash. However, they all have the same device ID (0x410).
Is this normal or is that chip fake? How can I test if my STM32s are genuine?
Here is a screenshot from the STLink utility when connecting the 128k board:
And here is a utility when connecting a normal board:
Hope someone can help :)
2020-03-27 12:07 AM
Sorry, but people here don't really care - if you want genuine ST parts, you buy them at renown distributors.
But there are still chances you can use the bluepills as you intended, just nobody here would confirm this to you. You may want to read the discussion at https://www.eevblog.com/forum/microcontrollers/cheap-bluepill-very-likely-it-has-fake-stm32-right/150/ perhaps.
2020-03-27 3:13 AM
STM32F103x8 and STM32F103xB are the same chip. So the 128k flash are on chip. On a STM32F103xB, the upper 64 kB are fully tested, on a a STM32F103x8 the flash is probably not tested or was tested bad. So if you play with a a STM32F103x8, you can try to use the upper flash. But do not rely on that flash to work right!