2020-12-12 6:26 AM
I am a newbie to stm32 need help in interfacing STM32F103c8t6 to an external Eeprom 24c256, cannot get any example code or library online. can any one help how to write and read data to eeprom?
i have tried Hal_i2c_mem_transmint function but no luck
2020-12-12 9:49 AM
Do you use pullup resistors on SCL and SDA lines?
2020-12-12 9:59 AM
Yes i have done that but no luck,
2020-12-12 3:02 PM
the device address must be shifted by 1 bit (0x50<<1 suposed that A0 and A1 are grounded or floated) to use it in function Hal_i2c_mem_transmint .. and WP pin must be grounded