2020-03-16 05:55 AM
Hi everybody,
I'm complete noob and may be a silly question. But is it possible to connect WS2812b to a blue pill? As far as I know WS2812b hav 5V management logic and STM32 here gives 3.3V
What do you think? I've see someone did it, but no schemas or any other information :(
2020-03-16 07:11 AM
You may check here: http://fabioangeletti.altervista.org/blog/stm32-interface-ws2812b/
For the ws2812b the data sheet says:
VDD +3.5~+5.3V
V_IH min. 0.7 VDD
So, for nominal voltage VDD=5.0V the GPIO high level must be 3.5V.
You have several options:
Note that only the first input of a LED chain is affected.