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STM32f103c is not detecting in my PC


I had installed required drivers for STM32F103C in my PC and also I had installed necessary packages in keil IDE and Arduino IDE. I am not able find out the problem.

I am using ST-Link V2 i have made a proper connection with STM32F103c board.

Below I have attached Device manager picture and keil ide picture after connecting the board to PC. Kindly help me out as soon as possible




Is the device powered? (led)

SWDIO-SWCLK-GND are mandatory to connect. Suggest to connect also and NRST pin. and "Connect: Under Reset" in debug tab.

Use also STLink Utility to connect with device.

Authentic ST-LINK/V2 or bootleg/clone?

The authentic one needs VTarget power connected.

Perhaps try with the STM32 Cube Programmer to see if that recognizes it.

The device must be powered and functional.

Is this a custom board? Has it worked before?

Can you perhaps provide a wiring diagram, and an in-focus, high resolution, picture of the setup?

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