2009-12-06 7:30 PM
STM32F103 bootlader problem
2011-05-17 4:31 AM
Hello everyone!
I`ve got some problem with bootloader, using STM32F103CBT6 unit. When PB0 (pin 18) is connected to Vdd (with resistor 10K) bootloader work fine, but if I pull this pin low (connect to gnd with resistor) - target not response. What is this? Bug of device or not? Please advise me for work with bootloader when PB0 pulled down. Thank you!2011-05-17 4:31 AM
I'm not so clear with ''target not response.'' please can you detail more: -What's your bootloader PC software application? -In case of problem, are you able at least to connect to the device through USART? -How do you discovred the problem? is it arbitrary or there is a specific need of PB0 in your application? Regards, Arm2011-05-17 4:31 AM
-On PC side I use (um0462) Flash loader demonstrator v2.0 -When PB0 is low, I can`t connect to device through USART, but if PB0 is open circuit connection is successful. -PB0 using as input (normally pulled down through 10K resistor). When I disconnect this resistor the problem is ceasing.2011-05-17 4:31 AM
Unfortunately I have no possible to try with other boards. I check PCB many times - there is ok.
Do you can test STM32CBT6 device for this and report me for result. May be only my chip is corrupt...2011-05-17 4:31 AM
2011-05-17 4:31 AM
Hello Mismee,
can you check if you have Vss on PB2 ? There is BOOT1 and it must be low during reset (and BOOT0 high). Or try to reset several times the device. Sometimes stm32 flash demonstrator does not connect to my STM32 board (I currently work with F101 device), but after next reset it starts to communicate. Vasek2011-05-17 4:31 AM
Thank`s for your discussion, but I have no problem solving. :(
2011-05-17 4:31 AM
You may have too old chip where bootloader was not preprogrammed yet. The date code below 937 or higher than 960 are w/o BL.
Replace the chip and try again.2011-05-17 4:31 AM
Hi edison,
I don't think this is the rootcause because as stated above by mismee ''When PB0 (pin 18) is connected to Vdd (with resistor 10K) bootloader work fine''