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STM32F100R4H6 SMBus interrupt problem

Posted on July 01, 2011 at 15:21 attach file there's my code. i've to manage smbus using interrupt (no polling allowed).

I don't understand why the interrupt doesn't start. The code doesn't me any error.

Is it correct manage the smbus protocol inside the interrupt?

What is the event that start the interrupt.

Please give a look at my code..i don't know what to do.

Thank you!!!

#i2c #interrupt #smbus #stm32-i2c-smbus #problem #interrupt
Posted on July 01, 2011 at 17:43

Problem solved :-)

The code is ok...

Anyone has the right sequence to implement, inside a interrupt, the slave?

Posted on July 03, 2011 at 18:26

Hi there...I'm again blocked inside the code..

At the moment the interrupt go well, i mean that when master send in the bus the address of my STm32f100x, the interrupt event of smbus start.

I'm a slave in the trasmission.

I'm noy able to found an example that desribes the step to do inside the interrupt. I've found lots of example that use polling to implement smbus, but don't that use interrupt.

Anyone knows how do it?


Posted on July 03, 2011 at 21:31

In situations like this, one would typically read the documentation, paying particular attention to the registers/events, draw a state diagram, investigate the behaviour of the polled examples. The number of possible events/states looks to be fairly finite.

Look at how this is done with I2C slaves.

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