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stm32f072 joystick

Afonso Marques
Posted on March 16, 2018 at 13:11


Please forgive as I am new to STM32 devices and tools.

I was suggested to use a STM32 F0 Discovery dev kit (STM32F072RBT6) in order to develop a very simple application: a custom made 3 axles joystick (x,y and throttle).

I have installed STM32CubeMX, SystemWorkbench for STM32 (SW4STM32) and followed all the steps without any problem until the point of creating a Custom HID Class.

1. How do I compile just to check that everything is OK so far? (it should be after all everything was automated)

2. I found a joystick descriptor (please see below) which, I think, fits the purpose. How do I use, configure, insert, edit, etc the current one either on CubeMX or SW4?

3. Is there a demo somewhere that I can look at?

Thanks in advance.


Joystick descriptor:

USAGE_PAGE (Generic Desktop)    05 01

LOGICAL_MINIMUM (0)    15 00

USAGE (Joystick)    09 04

COLLECTION (Application)    A1 01

  USAGE_PAGE (Simulation Controls)    05 02

  USAGE (Throttle)    09 BB

  LOGICAL_MINIMUM (-127)    15 81

  LOGICAL_MAXIMUM (127)    25 7F

  REPORT_SIZE (8)    75 08

  REPORT_COUNT (1)    95 01

  INPUT (Data,Var,Abs)    81 02

  USAGE_PAGE (Generic Desktop)    05 01

  USAGE (Pointer)    09 01

  COLLECTION (Physical)    A1 00

    USAGE (X)    09 30

    USAGE (Y)    09 31

    REPORT_COUNT (2)    95 02

    INPUT (Data,Var,Abs)    81 02


  USAGE (Hat switch)    09 39

  LOGICAL_MINIMUM (0)    15 00

  LOGICAL_MAXIMUM (3)    25 03

  PHYSICAL_MINIMUM (0)    35 00

  PHYSICAL_MAXIMUM (270)    46 0E 01

  UNIT (Eng Rot:Angular Pos)    65 14

  REPORT_SIZE (4)    75 04

  REPORT_COUNT (1)    95 01

  INPUT (Data,Var,Abs)    81 02

  USAGE_PAGE (Button)    05 09

  USAGE_MINIMUM (Button 1)    19 01

  USAGE_MAXIMUM (Button 4)    29 04

  LOGICAL_MINIMUM (0)    15 00

  LOGICAL_MAXIMUM (1)    25 01

  REPORT_SIZE (1)    75 01

  REPORT_COUNT (4)    95 04

  UNIT_EXPONENT (0)    55 00

  UNIT (None)    65 00

  INPUT (Data,Var,Abs)    81 02

END_COLLECTION    C0♯/?tags=joystick




#stm32f072-discovery #!stm32f072-!usb-!custom_hid #joystick
Andrew Neil
Evangelist III
Posted on March 16, 2018 at 14:10

I am new to STM32 devices and tools.

Do you have experience with any other microcontroller(s)? With programming in general?

creating a Custom USB Class is not a beginner project!

Getting Started with

STM32 devices and tools:

Afonso Marques
Posted on March 16, 2018 at 14:19

I've programming for the last 15 years at least but this is my first time with USB.


I've been working monstly with ATMega, PIC and SiLabs EFM8, and back in the old days Z8, Z8000 and MC68000.

Posted on March 18, 2018 at 16:14

creating a Custom USB Class is not a beginner project!

Creating an interface for the ST-provided Custom HID class is entirely different from creating a custom USB device class.

In some of the Cube repository's projects exists the CustomHID_Standalone project (example path: STM32Cube_FW_F7_V1.9.0\Projects\STM32756G_EVAL\Applications\USB_Device\CustomHID_Standalone), which can help getting started. I suggest looking at the class code first to see what definitions are needed in usbd_conf.h, then you can implement the interface loosely based on usbd_customhid_if.c.

I'm not an advocate of the STM32 libraries as they are full of poor design choices, but for this purpose it might serve well. In case you need to create a composite device later on, or just need a better USB device stack, I can recommend
