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STM32F072 Alternate PWM

Posted on January 28, 2015 at 17:22

Hi guys.

I'm having a little issue about using 6 pwm on different timers, on my STM32F072.

Application is:

a board with an adjustable sensor. The adjust phase works with a generation of pwm, changing the duty cycle until a signal on another port change.

This is the actual working code, with the PWM on timer 17

/* Installing pwm and definitions */

&sharpdefine HW_TIM_PWM_OUT_DIS        TIM_CtrlPWMOutputs(TIM17, DISABLE)

&sharpdefine HW_TIM_PWM_DIS            TIM_Cmd(TIM17, DISABLE)

&sharpdefine HW_TIM_PWM_ENA            TIM_Cmd(TIM17, ENABLE)

&sharpdefine HW_TIM_PWM_CLR            TIM_SetCounter(TIM17, 0)

&sharpdefine HW_TIM_PWM_INS(duty) \

{ \

TIM_TimeBaseInitTypeDef loc; \

    TIM_OCInitTypeDef oloc; \

                                                        /* TIM clock enable */ \

    RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB2Periph_TIM17, ENABLE); \

                                                        /* Time base configuration */ \

    loc.TIM_Period = 480; \

    loc.TIM_Prescaler = (word) (SystemCoreClock  / 4800000) - 1; \

    loc.TIM_ClockDivision = TIM_CKD_DIV1; \

    loc.TIM_CounterMode = TIM_CounterMode_Up; \

    TIM_TimeBaseInit(TIM17, &loc); \

                                                        /* Output compare PWM 1 */ \

    TIM_OCStructInit(&oloc); \

    oloc.TIM_OCMode = TIM_OCMode_PWM1; \

    oloc.TIM_Pulse = ((dword)480 * (dword)duty + 128UL) / 256UL; \

    oloc.TIM_OutputState = TIM_OutputState_Enable; \

    TIM_OC1Init(TIM17, &oloc); \

    TIM_CtrlPWMOutputs(TIM17, ENABLE); \

On calibration phase, this is what I actually do (with success), on a cycle where ''duty_n'' changes as described before




Hope you understand.

Now, I have to do the exact same thing for another pwm, tied on timer 2.

My issue is: since there's no way to set TIM2 on function


what can I do as ''workaround''?

Ps. I found the TIM_CCxCmd routine on library, but it's not working. Damn. Help me!

#pwm #stm32 #pwm #timer-synchronization
Posted on January 28, 2015 at 17:42

Hope you understand.

Not really.

Now, I have to do the exact same thing for another pwm, tied on timer 2.


My issue is: since there's no way to set TIM2 on function TIM_CtrlPWMOutputs what can I do as ''workaround''?

Switch the pin between GPIO and AF settings?
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Posted on January 29, 2015 at 08:41

What's the part you didn't understand? Maybe I could attach the whole C project ;)

Anyway, about your suggestion... I'll try and I'll let you know! Thanks

Posted on January 29, 2015 at 14:23

What's the part you didn't understand? Maybe I could attach the whole C project ;)

Describe the unknown unknowns?

Showing me the code tells me what you've done, and isn't working on the other timer, it doesn't show me what you want to achieve.

Draw a diagram of the signalling you want to come out of the pins, and how enabling/disabling the PWM outputs impacts that. Draw a diagram of the signal from the timer that isn't doing what you want, and mark clearly the behaviour you don't want contrasting it to the behaviour you do want.

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Posted on January 29, 2015 at 17:36

Basically, I wanted to have a workaround for the CtrlPWMOutputs routine.

Your suggestion does work, so... problem solved! Thanks for support and patience!