2017-06-27 1:02 AM
hi everyone,
i�m working with the STM32F051.
I want to programm the System memory over the Serial interface using the ST Flash Loader Demonstrater.
So i set the BOOT0 Pin high, and connected the STM32F051 to the Computer.
Now i tried to use the ST Loader Demonstrater and i got the error message:
'This Version is not intended to suport the <STM32F0_63K> target'.
The communication is possible when i�m using a terminal Programm and the Commands from the 'AN3155'.
Now my question:
is there any other way to programm the STM32F051 System Memory without sending single commands over an terminal programm?
Hope i made the problem clear.
I allready thank you for your help.
#programming #stm32f051x #system-memory2017-06-27 1:21 AM
You want to PROGRAM the system memory?
You want to run the boot-loader from system memory and program the FLASH memory?
Is the former possible?
2017-06-27 1:33 AM
of course the second one
2017-06-27 2:22 AM
A little easier way for programming your flash memory is to make a batch file with your commands. Therefore, it is not need to write the command every time you want to program the flash memory.
2017-06-27 7:16 AM
try your own iap