2018-04-02 2:26 AM
Hi, I have a STM32F0C6 board and I'm trying to use RTC function with LSE.
It seems RTC is working correctly and I can check the waveform of LSE Clock from MCO pin.But when I check the waveform of OSC32_IN and OSC32_Out pins by using an OscilloScope,OSC32_IN: about 300mV flat lineOSC32_Out: about 1.3V waveform nearly LSE clock(32.768KHz).Is this correct work of OSC32_IN and OSC32_Out?
please give me an information.
and let me apologize for my poor English.thank you.2018-04-02 6:24 AM
The LSE oscillator is a very low power (thus high impedance) analog circuit, thus it is very easy to be influenced by the attached oscilloscope probe (which presents a significant load).
2018-04-02 6:37 AM
sounds about right. probing the output pin is better, as its impedance is lower.
2018-04-02 7:27 AM
you can use a 1Meg resistor in series with your probe,
then the oscillator should keep working whilst you are watching it.
but you will shift the frequency with the probe capacitance.
is correct, you should be probing the output pin.