2015-02-12 7:48 AM
I am curently working on an application generated by the STM32cubeMX software. This application use the folowing HAL library's: tim,adc,dma,uart,gpio... I have to implement an erase and write non volatile memory fonctionality. At first I have used the HAL_Flash lib but I can write the memory only one time. The application has to write multiple time in the memory with fixed data address.I have found the AN4061wich is very interesting. I have downloaded theSTSW-STM32117 exemple but this one doesn't use the HAL library. I can't run both HAL and non-HAL library at the same time. Is anyone got a solution wich is not to re-code all my application with the non-HAL lib? Thank's a lot!
2015-02-12 8:22 AM
The application has to write multiple time in the memory with fixed data address.
The EEPROM emulation doesn't make that less of a bad idea. Learn to use and manage the FLASH, it will be far less of a headache. Journal your writes so as to limit the erase cycles.
2015-02-12 8:45 AM
Thank's Clive for the advice.
I will work on that.