2015-06-17 7:58 AM
Hi guys,
i just switched from 16bit Microchip to STM32F0. I use Cube and HAL Library. Simply want to convert three ADC Channels (ADC1, Temperature Sensor, Vrefint). I use the following code to convert ADC1: HAL_ADC_Start(&hadc); HAL_ADC_PollForConversion(&hadc, 100); adc_result = HAL_ADC_GetValue(&hadc); How can i change the channel to access the result of the other ADC channels. The available documentation is very bad . regards Max2015-06-17 8:39 AM
I use Cube and HAL Library... The available documentation is very bad .
I'd be questioning your choices too. I didn't spend a lot of time on the documentation, but did find the implementation to be cumbersome. Multiple channels are usually done with DMA on STM32 parts, you can keep reconfiguring the ADC, but that's a bit of a circus. Here's some Standard Peripheral Library example code