2015-01-26 10:30 AM
Hello, I've tried to run default RTC configuration at STM32L Discovery demo board using cubeMX but even if I tried to switch between clocks my code always get error with function:
RTC_EnterInitMode() in ''Wait till RTC is in INIT state and if Time out is reached exit''-So my RTC is never in init state. Yes I change WPR bits to 0xCA, 0x53 (CubeMx make it for me using __HAL_RTC_WRITEPROTECTION_DISABLE() macro)Due this I always got 0 from TR RTC register, also alarms don't works for me.I tried with switching RTC sources (HSE, LSE, LSI) but always the same effect and empty structAlso set PWR_CR bit before clock configuration didn't help.Can You check if stm32L152 works with cubeMX software? Or give me some tips how to run it. #discovery #stm32l152 #cubemx