2024-05-11 4:51 PM
Hi there, folks. I hope someone familiar with this product can help me. I am trying to update the firmware in a Malahit DSP2 radio receiver that is powered by an STM32H743 MCU. I am following the manufacturer’s procedure, which utilizes STM32CubeProgrammer and the appropriate “.bin” file. I have attempted this using two different host systems - a Dell and Lenovo laptop, both running windows 10. I am using STMCubeProgrammer V2.16.10. After placing the device in dfu mode, it shows up as expected under windows device manager as a Universal Serial Bus device named “Malahit receiver DFU”.
STM32CubeProgrammer finds this USB device, but when I click the “connect” button it hangs forever without completing the connection. I tried this also through a USB hub, with the same results. I also removed all power from the device by unplugging its battery, but the same results were obtained subsequently.
The text below is the contents of the log file following the attempt. As you can see, the connect seems to have simply hung after printing “IAP”. In YouTube videos of other people’s successful attempts, the next entry in the log should have been “Uploading …” but that never happens.
Can someone with intimate knowledge of this process tell me what might be preventing the connection from completing?
The log file contents:
19:09:51 : STM32CubeProgrammer API v2.16.0 | Windows-64Bits
19:11:19:434 : UR connection mode is defined with the HWrst reset mode
19:11:19:659 : Device Descriptor:
19:11:19:660 : |_bLength : 0x12
19:11:19:660 : |_bDescriptorType : 0x01
19:11:19:661 : |_bcdUSB : 0x0200
19:11:19:661 : |_bDeviceClass : 0x00
19:11:19:662 : |_bDeviceSubClass : 0x00
19:11:19:662 : |_bDeviceProtocol : 0x00
19:11:19:665 : |_bMaxPacketSize : 0x40
19:11:19:665 : |_idVendor : 0x0483
19:11:19:665 : |_idProduct : 0xdf11
19:11:19:666 : |_bcdDevice : 0x0200
19:11:19:667 : |_iManufacturer : 0x01
19:11:19:668 : |_iProduct : 0x02
19:11:19:668 : |_iSerialNumber : 0x03
19:11:19:668 : |_bNumConfigurations : 0x01
19:11:19:669 : Configuration Descriptor:
19:11:19:669 : |_bLength : 0x09
19:11:19:669 : |_bDescriptorType : 0x02
19:11:19:670 : |_wTotalLength : 0x1b
19:11:19:670 : |_bNumInterfaces : 0x01
19:11:19:670 : |_bConfigurationValue : 0x01
19:11:19:671 : |_iConfiguration : 0x02
19:11:19:671 : |_bmAttributes : 0xc0
19:11:19:671 : |_bMaxPower : 0x32
19:11:19:672 : Interface Descriptor Alternate Settings: 0x00
19:11:19:672 : |_bLength : 0x09
19:11:19:672 : |_bDescriptorType : 0x04
19:11:19:673 : |_bInterfaceNumber : 0x00
19:11:19:673 : |_bAlternateSetting : 0x00
19:11:19:673 : |_bNumEndpoints : 0x00
19:11:19:674 : |_bInterfaceClass : 0xfe
19:11:19:675 : |_bInterfaceSubClass : 0x01
19:11:19:675 : |_bInterfaceProtocol : 0x02
19:11:19:676 : |_iInterface : 0x06
19:11:19:676 : Functional Descriptor :
19:11:19:676 : |_bLength : 0x09
19:11:19:677 : |_bDescriptorType : 0x21
19:11:19:677 : |_bmAttributes : 0x0b
19:11:19:677 : |_wDetachTimeOut : 0xff
19:11:19:677 : |_wTransferSize : 0x0400
19:11:19:678 : |_bcdDFUVersion : 0x011a
19:11:19:678 : USB speed : Full Speed (12MBit/s)
19:11:19:678 : Manuf. ID : Malahiteam
19:11:19:679 : Product ID : MALAHIT RECEIVER DFU
19:11:19:679 : SN : 397334663031
19:11:19:679 : DFU protocol: 1.1
19:11:19:680 : Board : --
19:11:19:680 : IAP
2024-05-11 9:00 PM
Work-around located!
I posted in the Malahit radio support group on Facebook, and someone there pointed out that newer revisions of STM32CubeProgrammer do not work with this device. He recommended that I revert from V2.16 to V2.9, and this did the trick.