2016-10-26 12:36 AM
if I want to install a new Library, always the following message appears:
''The Files have problem during Download: ....zip (Not yet available)For unavailable files, you can load them manually with the ''From Local'' button.''
This happens with any package I selected. I use the newest version 4.17.0 from STM32CubeMX.
I also tried to install it from local, but this also won�t work.
Thank you for any help.
#download #available2016-10-26 2:39 AM
Hello corMat,
I have successfully download and install some packages! Maybe in your case a server is down for few minutes. So, you can try again.
Also, check if you have space enough in your disk.Which package do you need ? May be I can send you the needed package to find a way out of that situation.
Regards2016-10-26 2:59 AM
Hi forumstm32,
I tried it now over hours, but always with the same result.
I have enough free space (260GB), so this isn´t the problem.
I need the package for Family STM32L4 v1.5.2 (stm32cube_fw_l4_v150.zip)
2016-10-26 3:23 AM
Here is thehttps://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-KpPbIrv-E0MmxHSURqQzdZUFk/view?usp=sharing
link. Hope this help you.About your issue, may be you should delete the cookies, un-install CubeMx/library, then try again the install. Regards2016-10-26 4:04 AM
thank you a lot for the package.
Now it seems to work with the local installation.