2017-06-25 10:25 AM
Currently the search in the pinout view searches the labels. It would be nice if there was some way to search pin functions, too. Eg., all the pins that have I2C2 anything as their alternate function.
Solved! Go to Solution.
2018-01-29 9:30 AM
Ok for the search, it is only a pin search.
However, I fully agree with Imen, you have this function on the pin view.
Here is my example :
I2C2_SCL is on H4-PH4 as below :
and if you do a Ctrl Click, you have in blue the alternate functions (H3-PF1 and R12-PB10) :
It is the way we decided to show the alternate functions.
BR. Jeanne
2017-06-25 6:30 PM
I also need it too!
Let me add a pic for Jone, so that everyone can understand better!
(Following picture is extracted from FSL's(now NXP) KE Pin Tools.)
2017-06-26 1:36 AM
Actually there is an option: if you press ctrl key on keyboard and click on a pin, all alternates of this pin will change to blue. Also you can change the peripheral's pin by dragging the current pin to blue pin.
hope it would be helpful.
2017-06-26 3:52 AM
(I should read the following instruction first!)
Thx, Misagn!
2017-06-26 4:24 AM
Your welcome!
2017-06-26 5:28 AM
When I'm working with a bga216 chip I don't want to have to click on every ball to find a function, hence my request to add pin functions to the search.
2017-06-27 7:17 AM
,Please refer to the
STM32CubeMX User manual to have more insightaboutManual Remapping
2017-06-27 6:51 PM
I'm talking about using the STM32CubeMX application to search for pin functions in stead of using the data sheet, that's all. 'find me all the pins with this alternate function.'
also it would be helpful if ST used a two digit pin number because searching for PA01 does not give me pin 1 on port a. Searching for PA1 gives me all pins that being with PA1 including all the pins from pa11-pa19. When the labels are inconsistent, that means I have to click on up to 10 balls in order to find pin PA1. The search needs improvement.
2017-06-28 3:27 AM
,All your feedback are raised internally for further investigation.
2018-01-29 2:46 AM
I was reading this post and I am trying to reproducethe point you highlighted.
From the pin search, I am searching for PA1, I found it immediately in the combo box as below :
Is it what you need?