2017-06-23 8:49 AM
I start a project with STM32CubeMX and a NUCLEO-F207ZG board. My goal is to have a TFTP client, but for now I'm stuck getting an IP address with DHCP. You can find my project attached.
In the lwip.c, I had to modify the MX_LWIP_Init.c file of the generated code (not in the user section), otherwise the code stops in
LWIP_ERROR('netif is not up, old style port?', netif_is_up(netif), return ERR_ARG;);
What is wrong with the STM cube configuration ?
Plus, I never go to the ethernet interrupt. How the ethernet reception is handled when there is no operating system ? (NO_SYS configuration)
Do you have a STM Cube project with DHCP and UDP (and
no TCP and no OS
) working ?Regards,
Here is a summary of my configuration in STM32CubeMx
In STM32CubeMx, I enabled LWIP. In the LWIP configuration,
-> General settings I enabled :
The others are wether disabled or let to theirs default values.
-> In 'Key Options :
- OS not used
- LWIP timer enabled
- LWIP ARP Enabled
The others are wether disabled or let to theirs default values.
2017-06-26 2:58 AM
Also, I noticed the function low_level_output in ethernetif.c return an error. I go into this ''if'' function after 4 retries from DHCP stack :
/* Is this buffer available? If not, goto error */
if((DmaTxDesc->Status & ETH_DMATXDESC_OWN) != (uint32_t)RESET) { errval = ERR_USE; goto error; }But the error is not shown as udp_sendto_if_src doesn't take the returned status into account.
2017-06-27 9:09 AM
After setting Wireshark on the Ethernet I see the ethernet is not sending anything. I can have it working when I use the example project with tcp and freertos. But there are a lot of difference in configuration in the Ethernet register (heth).
Also, I noticed I never enter in the following condition which start the transmission :
/* When Tx Buffer unavailable flag is set: clear it and resume transmission */
if (((heth->Instance)->DMASR & ETH_DMASR_TBUS) != (uint32_t)RESET) { /* Clear TBUS ETHERNET DMA flag */ (heth->Instance)->DMASR = ETH_DMASR_TBUS; /* Resume DMA transmission*/ (heth->Instance)->DMATPDR = 0U; }How the ETH_DMASR_TBUS bit is supposed to be lached ?
I'm currently using the latest STM32CubeMX version, which is 4.21.0 with LwIP v2.0.0 (the one which comes with STMCube)
2017-07-05 8:58 AM
For the first issue mentioned in
lwip.c, it will be fixed in next STM32CubeMX release 4.22 (see
)2017-07-10 7:03 AM
I finnally found the problem by comparing the STMcube project example on STM32F207ZG_NUCLEO_144. The STM cubeMX doesn't generate the proper code for the Nucleo board. First, the physical address need to be 0 instead of 1, and it only work in RMII mode.
2017-07-10 7:05 AM
Hello Eric,
I can see there is a release note of the 4.22 version, but no update available. Can you tell me when the update will be available ?
Thank you,
2017-08-31 2:30 AM
That was really a helpful observation! Changing the following line in the file
C:\Program Files\STMicroelectronics\STM32Cube\STM32CubeMX\db\mcu\IP\ETH-ethermac110_v2_0_Cube_Modes.xml
(STM32CubeMX Version 4.21.0)
<RefParameter Comment='PHY Address' DefaultValue='1' Max='31' Min='0' Name='PhyAddress' Type='integer' Group='General : Ethernet Configuration'/>
<RefParameter Comment='PHY Address' DefaultValue='0' Max='31' Min='0' Name='PhyAddress' Type='integer' Group='General : Ethernet Configuration'/>
fixed my CubeMX installation so that I can have my NUCLEO_F207ZG talk to the Ethernet.
It is merely a hack, I have no understanding of the inner workings of CubeMX and I don't know what else this change might break, but as the 207 is the only Ethernet-enabled target I'm working with, I can say: 'Works for me'.
Maybe someone from STM should have a deeper look into this.